What is it?
ITS currently supports 260 learning spaces that aim to standardize the teaching experience for faculty. These spaces are on an eight-year refresh cycle. Of the 260 learning spaces, 151 are General Purpose Classrooms that are scheduled for academic course sections by the University Registrar’s Office. The remaining 109 spaces are departmentally-owned and scheduled.
Why are we doing it?
Given the number of learning spaces at UNCG, ITS and the Registrar are working to classify those spaces based on criteria such as size and use. We will use that information to inform the size and scale of the technology put into the room. By right-sizing the technology, UNCG will be able to make the best investments to support innovative teaching and learning.
How will I be impacted?
User experiences will vary across learning spaces. Some spaces will have a higher level of technology and capabilities while others will include only basic capabilities such as video display. If a student requests an ADA accommodation for a class, the Faculty member will be able to contact 6-TECH to check out the equipment needed for the semester to meet the student’s requested accommodation.
When will this be implemented?
Beginning in Winter 2022, ITS will use the newly developed criteria to plan future room upgrades.
What do I need to do?
Visit learningspaces.uncg.edu for a comprehensive list of UNCG learning spaces, their capabilities, and categorizations. Work with your department’s scheduler to reserve the most appropriate space for your needs. If you’re not sure who your departmental scheduler is, the Registrar’s Office will assist you.
Major Milestones
Categorization of UNCG learning spaces by Class and Tier
Application of new Class and Tier classifications to new room refreshes
Addition of room information, such as class, tier, utilization, refresh schedule, etc., to learningspaces.uncg.edu
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