Technology Initiatives

Re-engineering for a Sustainable Future

Defer SAN Replacement to FY 25

The refresh cycle for the Storage Area Network (SAN) will be extended to Fiscal Year 2025.

Defer SAN Replacement to FY 25

The refresh cycle for the Storage Area Network (SAN) will be extended to Fiscal Year 2025.

What is it?

The storage area network (SAN) provides all of the file storage for University servers and network file services such as MyFile, S drive, and N drive.

Why are we doing it?

Extending the refresh cycle will avoid costs. ITS must reserve expenses only for initiatives absolutely necessary at this time.

How will I be impacted?

Additional network storage will not be available until after FY 2025.

When will this be implemented?

An extended support contract will be established in Fall 2022.

What do I need to do?

Review your current use of network file services and delete files you no longer need. Also, continue to comply with records-retention requirements.

Major Milestones

Fall 2022

Establishment of an extended support contract

Fall 2022

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