Technology Initiatives

Re-engineering for a Sustainable Future

Enterprise Application Consolidation

UNCG will reduce infrastructure costs by consolidating multiple enterprise application environments and managing them in the cloud by Summer 2023.

Enterprise Application Consolidation

UNCG will reduce infrastructure costs by consolidating multiple enterprise application environments and managing them in the cloud by Summer 2023.

What is it?

To train users on enterprise (or system-wide) applications and to manage testing of applications when they are upgraded, multiple instances of the applications’ environments are created.

Why are we doing it?

Consolidating these environments and adopting modern practices for managing them in the cloud reduces costs.

How will I be impacted?

Two tiers for development and validation will be dedicated to those activities only, with access limited to only staff involved. Training and testing environments will be available through request and for a specific amount of time.

When will this be implemented?

July 2023 is the current target date for completion of this initiative.

What do I need to do?

If you are an end user who regularly works in back tiers for an enterprise application environment, you will need to work with ITS during the review phase to help identify business activities that will be impacted by this change and make corresponding updates to business processes. Subscribe to ITS News for the latest updates and announcements.

Major Milestones

Fall 2022

Establishment of standard for two-tier enterprise application environments

Fall 2022
Winter 2022

Review of existing environments complete

Winter 2022
Spring 2023

Re-engineering departmental business processes (as appropriate)

Spring 2023
Summer 2023

Submission of justifications for exceptions

Summer 2023
Summer 2023

Reconciliation of environments across applications

Summer 2023

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